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Boat Juice - 32oz Interior Cleaner with SiO2 Ceramic UV Protectant - Works Great on Upholstery, Vinyl, Plastic, Foam Flooring and Carpets

Boat Juice - 32oz Interior Cleaner




  • PROTECT YOUR INTERIOR FROM THE SUN WITH SIO2 CERAMIC PROTECTANT! - Leaves behind SiO2 Ceramic UV protection while you clean, and does NOT leave behind an oily or greasy feel
  • CLEAN YOUR BOAT INTERIOR EASIER! - Boat Juice Interior 32oz Bottle is a Perfect balance between cleaner, UV protectant, and deoderizer.
  • SAFE TO USE ON INTERIOR SURFACES - Safe on upholstery, carpet, vinyl, plastic, and foam flooring
  • EFFECIENT, EFFECTIVE AND SMELLS SO GOOD! - At Boat Juice, we set out to create something better! No more horrible smelling cleaners or buckets of five products to get one job done!
  • QUICK AND EFFECTIVE - Quickly penetrates to remove sunscreen stains, food spills, and ground-in dirt.


Boat Juice Interior spray is the perfect balance between cleaner and protectant. This stuff will clean and protect without leaving any oil or grease. Our proprietary blend has a SiO2 Ceramic UV protectant to prolong the life of your boat interior. Oh and did we mention it smells like Orange Creamsicle! This 32oz bottle sprayer is a perfect fit for a boat compartment or cup holder. 

Boat Juice - 32oz Interior Cleaner with SiO2 Ceramic UV Protectant

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